African Lion Safari
Our Mission is to provide an entertaining and educational environment in which to display and propagate animals in a safe manner that gives a unique viewing opportunity to all of our visitors.
Our Strategy is to enhance the quality of the time spent by our visitors and to improve the blend of the entertaining, educating and other environmental aspects for all of the stakeholders. We hope to increase our respect for the land and the life it supports.
We believe that all Canadians are free to use and enjoy wildlife, subject to laws aimed at securing its sustainable enjoyment and use.
We support goals that safeguard ecosystems upon which life depends and which preserve the diversity of species that enable the systems to function, and which ensure that our use and enjoyment is sustainable. In support of this cause we have provided captive bred Barn and Burrowing Owls, Trumpeter Swans, Ferruginous Hawks and a Bald Eagle to reintroduction programmes for release into the wild.
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